Week 5 Personal Reflective Summary

Let’s just say I hope I never am without a paper/pencil or laptop…or some magical way to create that hasn’t been invented yet! I felt OVERWHELMED at the outset, thinking that this was completely over my head…I now see that it is not. A quote from our STEAM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Art, Math) night at school resonated with me, too. I know from encouraging students that you have to keep trying and asking for help and overcoming. Why does it seem different when it’s yourself? And then there is the one about the more you do not get it right means that you are getting closer.
imgres I had people Tweet to me, “Thanks for the follow” so then I thought, …OH, we’re supposed to thank people…so then I tried to figure out how to do this, and finally found out how to respond. I wonder though, for someone that might get a bazzilliony tweets, that seems a bit absurd to thank everyone. As I read what we were to accomplish this week, I began my reflective snippets early on, so I’d remember. I’m sure there must be more, but these are what I wrote. I also went to my other course, INTE 5665 a bit ago, and I received full marks for my base camp beginning webpage. That literally made me cry because so much of the work I see is so polished and beautiful. I’m going to continue working. As I ponder what lies ahead for me in education or beyond, I kind of think I want to move toward design for language learners. We shall see. I want to try the audio this next week. I rely on images and text, probably because I am comfortable here, but also I am very visual. I hear people explaining or speaking or sharing and I have visuals in my mind. Early in the week was my impromptu visual digital story about my family. That was unexpected, as I was truly concentrating on uploading another GIF of fuzzy Bartok. The story evolved and I guess I needed to relive very stormy times. My kids tease me that I make the “Beaker Face” when I tear up. Beaker it is. I found a creative digital story about pop-up technology that in a way veered from my chosen theme, however, I am always hunting what can be done with kids in the classroom. I am enjoying this course. I am enjoying reading and seeing what others are creating and thinking. Kind of weird since we do not see each other except for digitally…I sometimes wonder what it would be like to be in a HUGE HOUSE with all of us…probably more weird.
Here are my images that I created for my reflection. I use Notebook a lot for my creations. I learned it for our SMARTboards and love it. Maybe one day I’ll have photoshop, but for now, I’m good.


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                                   THIS would be PRETTY SWEET!


2 thoughts on “Week 5 Personal Reflective Summary

  1. Hi Diane,

    I really enjoyed your personal reflective summary this week. 🙂 I really like your format of explanatory text on top and then notated images below. I think I might try doing something very similar for our next reflection!

    I think your basecamp is coming along quite nicely. Do you know how you will include a portfolio of your work yet? I love the clean look to your site and the ease of use. And I’m glad you’re feeling more comfortable with Twitter! I felt like I had so much to learn when I first starting tweeting last fall.

    Thanks for sharing your thoughts (even though it’s required haha!).


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